The Trailer:
Screenshots from the movie:
The London Premiere:
The New York Premiere:
While I sit at my desk attempting to study for my upcoming exams, I'm eagerly waiting to watch City and The City 2 with the girls later this week. If the trailer is anything to go by, it should be an incredibly enjoyable film. I absolutely loved the series, watching some episodes over and over again, and the first movie was fantastic. Unfortunately, I think the girls outfits at the London and NY premieres were a little disappointing when you compare them to the to-die-for outfits on screen. I preferred the London outfits, over the NY outfits, as I'm not a fan of yellow or fluro outfits. SJP's outfit at the London Premiere was so similar to an outfit she wore to the previous movie's premiere, just that this one was black, rather than green. It's a shame they couldn't have been a little more inspiring, particularly SJP, who usually appears at red carpet events in something incredibly original and out-there.
For me, the release of the second movie, is even perhaps even more exciting than the first, because it is set in Abu Dhabi (even though technically it was shot in Morocco for cultural/religious reasons). I visited Abu Dhabi on my way to Europe on a on family holiday, a little over 2 years ago, when the place still wasn't so well known. We also stopped there on our way back too. It was my first time visiting a country in the Middle East and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My mum had booked what she thought was a leisurely camel ride through the desert to a Beduin camp, which turned out to be a wild 4WD extravaganza up and down the mounds of sand in the desert, with the leisurely camel ride at the end. We had a fabulous dinner at the camp site in the middle of the desert, complete with meats roasted over a BBQ, arabic coffee and argile. Another night, we had dinner at a seafood restaurant in a hotel called "The Palace" which was the most luxurious and elaborate hotel I had ever seen, resembling the palace in Disney's Aladdin. While there, I learnt a lot about the Islamic cultural of the people of the Emirates, which was very interesting. The shopping was also quite amazing, my favourite purchase being an Arabaic kaftan style dress in magenta silk, embellished with beading, sequins and embroidery. Watching the local people, or "Originals" as they are called, in their traditional arabic clothes, was quite fascinating, as they were dressed so elaborately in their cultural dress. It was so unusual, yet interesting, to see women dressed in burkas, wearing Louboutins, carrying Chanel handbags and diamond encrusted jewellery pieces.
Photos from my visit to Abu Dhabi:
Entrance to the Palace Hotel

The ceiling in the Palace Hotel
The dress from Abu Dhabi:
I need to have the dress altered because it's too big. I'm undecided whether to simply take it in, or crop it into a mini as well. We've been talking about having a Moroccan party for quite some time, so I'm thinking I will take in for that and keep it long, and then afterwards I will crop it so I can wear it out clubbing. I love the fact that it has such sentimental value to me. I have a pair of magenta Peeptoes that would look great with it (you can see them in the far right corner of the first pic of the dress), or alternatively it could look fantastic with a pair of glitzy jewelled sandals. Either way, I'm dying to wear it, it's just a matter of deciding how to alter the dress.
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